Changing the world one step at a time
Changing the world one step at a time
Help us achieve our goals!
Our fundraising drive is on now!
All of your time, effort, and donations have made huge impacts! Look out for our next fundraiser!
My goal isn't some crazy fantasy to end world hunger or solve huge problems, but to start to make a difference, to try, because if you start trying, then you've already won 50% of the battle. MyOneWorld is a combination of both my Nonprofit Organization and side projects that I regularly work on.
Already, I've brought a Science Fair Project about protecting our oceans to a national level, and donated nearly $350 worth of supplies and clothes to a Homeless Shelter, but this is only the beginning. I've also recently founded a Basketball Nonprofit- The FastBreak Foundation. Check it out!
Copyright © 2024 My One World - All Rights Reserved.
I can't change the world alone. It takes you, your kindness, and you doing the part that has been set out for you. This is what fuels the change that this world needs. Help change the world, yourself!
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